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Critical illness

Critical illness

Overview of Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance plans are intended to provide health cover against pre-indicated crippling diseases that can be exceptionally costly to treat and generally take long time for recovery. Such ailments can be exceptionally dangerous for people and their families as they result in extended and expensive diagnosis, apart from the inability to work and balance the costs somehow.

Key Features

Critical illness health insurance plans are intended for the particular motivation behind giving a security net against genuine sicknesses, for example, heart attack, paralysis, cancer, organ transplant, bypass surgery, kidney failure, unconsciousness, stroke and so forth. Typically, critical illness cover depends on fulfilling criteria set by individual insurers.

Who should buy this plan?

Any individual from the age 18 years and above can avail benefit from critical insurance health policies. Most of the candidates over 45 years may need to undergo medical check-up as well. Generally speaking, plans under the medical coverage segment ought to be purchased when you are young and strong, as this specifically influences the premium asked by the insurer.

Why Liberty?

At Liberty, we customize insurance solutions for you as per your needs. Family members can also be covered under a single plan as per policy structures. We design a comprehensive solution for you and your family which is not only beneficial but also cost effective.

The conditions that are covered by a Critical Illness policy vary according to the coverage criteria and the illness listed. See the full listed of Critical Illnesses that are covered: READ MORE

  1. Aorta graft surgery – for disease and trauma
  2. Aplastic anaemia – resulting in permanent symptoms
  3. Bacterial meningitis – resulting in permanent symptoms
  4. Benign brain tumour – resulting in permanent symptoms
  5. Blindness – permanent and irreversible
  6. Cancer – excluding less advanced cases
  7. Coma – with permanent symptoms
  8. Coronary artery bypass grafts – with surgery to divide the breastbone
  9. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease – requiring continuous assistance
  10. Deafness – permanent and irreversible
  11. Dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) before age 65 – resulting in permanent symptoms
  12. Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast – with specific treatment (partial payment)
  13. Encephalitis
  14. Heart attack – of specified severity
  15. Heart valve replacement or repair – with surgery to divide the breastbone
  16. HIV infection – caught in a specified country from a blood transfusion, a physical assault or work in an eligible occupation
  17. Kidney failure – requiring dialysis
  18. Liver failure – end stage
  19. Loss of independent existence – resulting in permanent symptoms
  20. Loss of hands or feet – permanent physical severance
  21. Loss of speech – total, permanent and irreversible
  22. Lung disease – end stage/respiratory failure – of specified severity
  23. Major organ transplant
  24. Motor neurone disease
  25. Multiple sclerosis – with persisting symptoms
  26. Open heart surgery – with surgery to divide the breastbone
  27. Paralysis of limbs – total, permanent and irreversible
  28. Parkinson’s disease before age 65 – resulting in permanent symptoms
  29. Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension – resulting in permanent symptoms
  30. Stroke – with permanent symptoms
  31. Systemic lupus erythematosus – of specified severity
  32. Terminal illness
  33. Third-degree burns – covering 20% of the body’s surface area or 50% of the face’s surface area
  34. Traumatic head injury – with permanent symptoms
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